
Our Chemistry

Our group aims to develop innovative molecular transformation reactions based on the creation of new molecular catalysts and reactive species. In particular, we are focusing on the development of precisely designed dinuclear metal catalysts having metal-metal bonds and highly reactive species that combine main group elements and photoenergy along with deep understanding of their molecular functions.

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大阪大学大学院 基礎工学研究科
物質創成専攻 機能物質化学領域

有機合成化学グループ 鷹谷研究室

〒560-8531 大阪府豊中市待兼山町 1-3

The Takaya Group

Division of Chemistry, Dept. of Material Engineering Science
Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University

1-3 Machikaneyama-cho, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-8531, Japan

Copyright © The Takaya Group